Disaster Relief
Deserving Causes India Foundation works in collaboration with Bhoomika Trust to help victims during times of disasters such as the earthquake in Gujarat, the Tsunami in South India, the Uttarakand floods, the Jammu & Kashmir floods, the Chennai floods, the Cyclone Vardah, the Odisha floods, the Assam and Bihar floods.

Disaster Rehabilitation
Disasters have devastating impacts, traumatizing and debilitating lives. Deserving Causes India Foundation helps fund the efforts of restoration and rebuilding towns during such disasters as the Chennai floods of 2015.

Disaster Mitigation & Preparedness
Deserving Causes India Foundation assists Bhoomika Trust to go above and beyond disaster relief. It is about a humanitarian response that looks beyond the immediate suffering and focusing on their vocation and dwelling.

Educate & Empower
Education is the most powerful tool a person can have and can help change a family’s destiny. Work with Deserving Causes India Foundation to be that source of light in these kids’ futures.

True Gifts
Have you wanted to give a meaningful gift to a special person in your life but couldn’t find the right present? Trying to find the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or special occasion? Worried that they may not like it, already have it, or don’t need it? True Gifts has the solution.

Cancer Care
The Cachar Cancer Hospital and Research Center is a non-profit hospital that provides comprehensive cancer care to people in need – especially the underserved – through prevention, treatment, palliation, education and research. They aim to become a state of the art cancer center that will ensure that no individual develops a cancer that can be prevented, that no patient is denied appropriate cancer treatment for want of resources, that no patient dies in agony and indignity and that no family suffers treatment induced poverty and grief.